The Vikings: Facts & Information for Kids

Who Were the Vikings? The Vikings were a collection of people from Scandinavian regions that migrated and conquered European regions from the eighth to the eleventh century. The Vikings, also called Norse, traveled from their homeland to raid and colonize the British Isles, Iceland, parts of Greenland, the Frankish Empire (France), parts of Italy, as … Read more

The Normans: Facts & Information for Kids

Who were the Normans? The Normans, which means “Northmen,” were Vikings in the 10th century who pillaged and settled in Northern and Northwestern parts of France. At the time, the area which is now referred to as France in Continental Europe was initially referred to as the Frankish Kingdom (or Francia). In the late 9th … Read more

The Victorian Era: Facts & Information for Kids

What is the Victorian Era? The Victorian Era refers to the 64-year period when Britain obtained immense amounts of power and wealth by extending its kingdom across the globe. During this time, Britain revolutionized technology, transportation, and communication. It increased its trade across the globe and sent many British explorers on expeditions across the African … Read more

The Anglo-Saxons: Facts & Information for Kids

Who Were the Anglo-Saxons? The Anglo-Saxons were invaders, particularly of Germanic origins, that began to take over and control England beginning in 449 A.D. and ending during the Norman Conquest in 1066 A.D. The Anglo-Saxons primarily consisted of the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Frisians, and Franks. In the early 5th century, the Roman Empire was falling … Read more

How Did World War 1 Start?

There are many different reasons and answers to the question “How did World War 1 start?”. It was a complicated time and a lot of events happened and built up to the eventual start of WW1. Below are some interesting facts about the build up to World War 1 and why it started. Many of … Read more

World War 2: Facts & Information for Kids

World War 2, also called World War II or WWII, is considered the biggest war in global history. The war engaged over 30 countries, and it lasted six years in total.  World War II affected nearly every region of the world in the early to mid-1900s, so it is important to understand when, where, and … Read more

Ancient Egypt: Facts & Information for Kids

The Nile River The Nile River is one of the most famous rivers in the world, and it was here that the civilization of Ancient Egypt was built, in northeast Africa. Most of the money and wealth that the ancient Egyptians built was because of the Nile River and the many skills they learned from … Read more

Arachne: Facts & Information

In Greek and Roman mythology, Arachne was a woman who challenged the goddess of wisdom and crafts, Athena. Keep reading to learn more Arachne Facts. She was a very good weaver and was able to weave beautiful pictures into the cloth. People would travel far and wide to see Arachne’s work. Arachne became too proud … Read more